
Speech Intelligibility

2.2.2 Speech Intelligibility

Speech intelligibility is a measure of the quality of the transmission of speech. Speech intelligibility is particularly important in public spaces where occupants need to be able to clearly hear and understand instructions, whether the instructions are coming from a person in the same room or via an electronic public address or voice alarm system. For instance, this could apply to classrooms, auditoriums, churches, conference rooms, concert halls, airports, trains stations and shopping centres.


Speech intelligibility is calculated according to a standard index using acoustical measurements of speech and noise. A number of factors influence speech intelligibility, including ambient noise level, reverberation time, the frequency response of a room, psychoacoustic masking effects, as well as the quality of any sound reproduction equipment being used to transmit sound in the space.


The Speech intelligibility index (SII) is represented on a numeric scale called the Common Intelligibility Scale (CIS). The value ranges from 0 to 1, or bad to excellent, and indicates the degree to which a space, aka transmission channel, degrades speech intelligibility.)


Speech Intelligibility Graph


The Speech Intelligibility Index (SII)

Category Nominal STI value Type of message information Examples of typical usage Comment
A+ 0,76 Recording studios Excellent intelligibility but rarely achievable in most environments
A 0,74 Complex messages, unfamiliar words Theatres, Speech auditoria, parlaments, courts, Assistive Hearing Systems (AHS) High speech intelligibility
B 0,7 Complex messages, unfamiliar words Theatres, Speech auditoria, parlaments, courts, Assistive Hearing Systems (AHS) High speech intelligibility
C 0,66 Complex messages, unfamiliar words Theatres, Speech auditoria, teleconferencing, parlaments, courts High speech intelligibility
D 0,62 Complex messages, familiar words Lecture theatres, classrooms, concert halls Good speech intelligibility
E 0,58 Complex messages, familiar context Concert halls, modern churches High quality PA systems
F 0,54 Complex messages, familiar context PA systems in shopping malls, public building offices, VA systems, cathedrals Good quality PA systems
G 0,5 Complex messages, familiar context Shopping malls, public building offices, VA systems Target value for VA systems
H 0,46 Simple messages, familiar words VA and PA systems in difficult acoustic environments Normal lower limit for VA systems
I 0,42 Simple messages, familiar context VA and PA systems in very difficult spaces
J 0,38 Not suitable for PA systems
U <0,36 Not suitable for PA systems



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